Mar 3, 2004

A New Zealander's perspective on Rodeo... Cool or Cruel?

There's a lot of things I like about the rodeo and a lot of things I don't like. As rodeo events gain in popularity nationally as a sporting event, so has the debate about the humane treatment of the animals and whether or not we should allow it to go on in the US. I for one am on the fence about it. Below is a link to one perspective by New Zealander, Andy T. Coombs. What do you think?



Off to the rodeo to chastise the cowboys. How the hell can grown men go around playing dress ups and calling themselves "cowboys" anyway? If it wasn't for the cruelty it would be laughable. I'm getting ready for a high moustache, mullet and silly hat count. 10 points for a moustache, 10 points for a mullet, 10 points for a silly hat. And 30 points for a combo of any two, with 50 points awarded for all three on the same doofus. terror."

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