Feb 5, 2011

Winter Blahs Not Always So Bad

It's been a real challenge this winter getting the horses out for even 10 minutes.Last week the whole perimiter was under a sheet of ice. We're at a nice barn but the layout doesn't provide for easy turnout --even when the weather's good. Having an indoor arena available is great, but since our barn is not attached, it can be treacherous trying to get into it. Most of my time lately has been spent ensuring my horses get out at sometime during the day so there has been very little time to devote to riding. That said, it's our groundwork  that really gets ramped up when we can get to the arena. Seems my three are so thankful to get out of their stalls they offer me more of their attention-- they are actually interested in what we're doing! You know, they really partner up with me. I love that I can focus on refining my skills and technique-- less fumbling around with ropes and sticks that are never in the right place when I need them, and my horses sure appreciate getting clearer communication from me as I get better.  We are having a lot of fun and I find myself  loving and appreciating my horses more for the creatures they are and the things they offer me--I'm so glad they are a part of my life. So, the winter blahs have been a good thing in a way, as during the long grey days shut in at home, I find myself  reflecting on what we've been able to accomplish despite the limitations.

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