Apr 8, 2006

The Last Week or So

Still on the job search so I can get out of the call center environment. Some prospects but life in limbo is the pits. Missing Amy lots. She's been my loyal companion especially in her last days, and there are those empty moments--like coming home from work and she's not there to greet me, or I pass her dog dish where I catch myself and pause, because I almost reached for her biscuts to toss in there and then remember, "oh, yeah...

My friends and I have been meeting at the barn on Sundays or Thursdays--my days off. We've actually had a few less frigid rides. Last Sunday when it was mostly sunny and not quite so windy, Gwen and I rode across the only field left that hasn't been plowed or sown yet and explored the County Home property across the way. We rode all around the main house and outbuildings. Rode around a little marsh pond where we scared up some ducks. Wyatt was a little edgy about this but not too bad. I let him sample anything he wanted, so he could compare and contrast with what is in his own overgrazed pasture. This made the ride worth his while in his opinion. From the property we can still see the barn and all the other horses grazing in the pasture so we didn't have to worry too much that Wyatt, and Gwen's horse Treasure, would be to jiggy for us to have a nice ride. We couldn't spend too much time as Gwen had to get back to take her daughter to walmart and dinner--The payback for a few hours spent with her horse. It would have been nice if we could have dismounted, let the horses graze while we had a snack and then maybe ride even further up to route 42 where Wyatt used to live.

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