Jul 18, 2004

Home on the Range

It's been over a month since the farm changed hands. The new owner is a quarter horse trainer. Things are better for now--more consistancy for the horses. Lady is dappling out--a good sign. Went on a short ride with two friends; the five mile loop through a meadow then onto bowtown road and around. We call it the five mile loop. Very scenic and very hot. When you ride alongside the corn rows you can feel the heat coming off the crops from all the oxygen produced.

Work is work. It's been ridiculously hot. Horses and their owners have been busy showing almost every weekend. Last weekend was the Robert Murphy show in Kentucky. That was a long one. They left Wednesday morning and came back late sunday night.

The grad is still unemployed but did help me at the barn one day. I think that was enough for him. Going to sign off as I want to get out to ride a few horses before the afternoon storms blow in.

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