Feb 22, 2004

LOok WhAt tHe nEt bRoUghT iN

all of these are from the HCBB
Built for speed...
She should have the head of a princess, the butt of a fry cook and a walk like a hooker.
-D. Wayne Lucas, on buying yearling fillies

I can see this on my tombstone...
If my particular passion ever kills me, it won't be because I was on a horse's back. It will be because I was gaping out my car window at some horse standing innocently in a field or backyard when I was supposed to be paying attention to the road.
~except from Dark Horses and Black Beauties

Talk about Natural Horsemanship! So much more than I ever wanted to know...
OK, this diagram of stallion anatomy is slightly better, even though at first it looks really confusing. Just focus on the area at the bottom left where it says "Glans Penis." That term is pointing at where you'll find the bean. But the penis is telescopic... the rest of it is up inside his body (see the label "Shaft of Penis"). The actual tip of the penis, where you will find the bean, is covered by flabby-textured skin that would be somewhere around the MIDDLE of his penis if he relaxed ("dropped") it.

Just lube your hand up real well and slide your fingers inside that opening. Once there, you'll feel the tip of his penis and can go hunting for the bean. You'll also feel a whole BUNCH more smegma that lives up inside that second "cavern" ... you'll have to reach really far to get it all.

Don't forget to clean ALL THE WAY around the back of that cavern.

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