Mar 21, 2004

It's that time again to start worring about the West Nile Virus. We've been dealing with it in Ohio for a while, and word has it it's making its way around the states. Here's some articles to read atThe Horse Online
The current year's West Nile virus articles are listed below. For archived articles

(1999-2003), maps, and state/national government agency links, please click here.

New Combination Vaccines Include WNV Protection Feb 2004
This year your veterinarian's truck might be stocked with a new combination

vaccine--protection against West Nile virus (WNV) has been folded into routinely used

three-way and four-way vaccines.

WNV: Prevention is Key 3/18/04
"West Nile virus (WNV) is the number one diagnosed neurologic disease in horses, or close

to it," said William Saville, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, of The Ohio State University, at a

March 10 Fort Dodge Animal Health educational seminar for veterinarians held in

Lexington, Ky.

WNV: An Evolving Epizootic 3/12/04
"West Nile virus (WNV) is coming to a state near you if it hasn't already arrived," said

Eileen Ostlund, DVM, PhD, head of the equine and ovine viruses section at the Diagnostic

Virology Laboratory, National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, during the

Western Veterinary Conference held February 15-19 in Las Vegas, Nev.

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