Feb 21, 2004

They paved paradise....

This is from the bb discussion I have been following at:
Bulletin Board: ranchers or cowboy forums?? about the downsizing of ranches into "ranchett's."
One lady discusses her parents 500,000 acre spread:
"We are to date the largest contiguous ranch in the state. Not for long if the Federal Land Swap Deal makes it through Congress. Which I have an idea it probably will, then my dad will have the original ranchhouse and the property he keeps there, and becomes a developer in his old age in the parcels they are offering to swap. I hope he and mom have a grand time and spend it all!!!"

And this guy writes:Everything around me is getting developed , and many ranches and dairies around have been turned into asphalt and steel . I would rather have a nice big , operational ranch , than see it turn into houses or be taken over by government . One of the best things I have heard was in a cattle meeting , and one of the guys said "

Rumplestilskin went to sleep in the early '80's , and woke up in 2050 . There were guys out in the middle of the street with jack hammers & picks chipping away at the concrete & asphalt . Rumplestilskin walked up to them and asked what they were doing , they said mining , he asked what they were mining for . They said , dirt .."

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